Jenin, Jenin (2003)
Far from being a Doco as the director Bakry admitted
30 December 2014
An officially Palestinian funded Propaganda fiction movie (funded by: Yaser Abed Rabo and the Palestinian authority.)

full of direct lies that where debunked (such as: "thousands got killed" when 54 mostly armed terrorists died during battle.) It was also recognized as such by the UN reports and HRW and Amnesty. So, if you are going to see this intentional edited manipulation as admitted by the director Bakry himself on an interview to "haaretz" newspaper And as he admitted on the Israeli supreme court by agreeing himself to change it from documentary to fiction, later on changed his mind after the other side refused to agree to anything but the total removal of scenes which are containing harsh misleading information. The judges allowed the screening to protect freedom of speech , but as they said, the law doesn't judge if the freedom of speech contain lies or truth.
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