Children's Zoo, a one-note idea that didn't deserve being filmed
28 March 2015
HEALER is a fairly interesting segment of THE NEW TWILIGHT ZONE although the story ends up getting muddled and inconsequential towards the end. It stars Eric Bogosian as a jewel thief who steals a priceless gemstone but gets shot in the process. He soon discovers that the gemstone has magical healing properties and he decides to put them to use.

Bogosian is by far the best thing about this one, delivering another over the top, hammy turn as the stressed-out protagonist. I'm surprised how similar his acting is to his later roles, for example in UNDER SIEGE 2: DARK TERRITORY. The story starts out strong and becomes muddled later on, but at least the premise is a decent one.

CHILDREN'S ZOO is probably my least favourite segment of THE NEW TWILIGHT ZONE thus far. Thank God it's mercifully short. The story sees a cute young girl visiting a zoo with her bickering parents, only this isn't an ordinary zoo. In fact, it's a unique zoo where the parents themselves become the exhibits!

It's a one-note idea, really, and probably would have worked better in a minute long sketch; even though it's kept short here, it still feels overlong and flabby. The performances are over the top and the joke just isn't funny, so this feels more like aimless filler than anything else. A shame the producers were reduced to this so early on in the series.
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