fine underdog sports movie.
4 April 2015
Womanizing JB Bernstein (Jon Hamm) and Aash (Aasif Mandvi) are small sport agents struggling against their former employer Procorp. After watching Aash's cricket game and Susan Boyle, JB comes up with an idea to get pitching arms from India for the LA Dodgers owner Chang. They convince Tom House (Bill Paxton) the highly improbable task to train the amateurs. Brenda (Lake Bell) is his winning medical student tenant. Vivek is his local manager. With eager Amit Rohan and sleepy scout Ray Poitevint (Alan Arkin), they run a $1 million reality contest.

This is a fine underdog sports movie. I like the kids' stories. I wish they expanded more on their lives. Jon Hamm is a bit too intense and he needs a bit more humor. Lake Bell is terrific. The movie is also restricted by the real story. The boys could never go to the World Series. They also didn't crash and burn. They end up in a middling area where they get some success but not enough to be good climax material. The movie is also too long at over 2 hours but it has a good solid base of an underdog movie.
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