A Whacked out comedy
4 April 2015
In the only feature film of his career that could be classified as a comedy River Phoenix called I Love You To Death a 'whacked out comedy'. Who am I to disagree.

Kevin Kline and Tracey Ullman are the stars of I Love You To Death and he's the exponential alpha male owner of a pizzeria in Tacoma, Washington where for the female customers he makes personal deliveries. With a cheesy Italian accent, probably deliberately so, Kline charms all the women who buy pizza to give their all to him. Mind you he still loves his wife. But there isn't a pair of breasts between 18 and 45 he can't pass up.

In I Love You To Death Ullman has decided she's up to HERE with Kline's serial infidelities. She and her mother Joan Plowright decides he has to die. They enlist the aid of pizzeria employee River Phoenix who plays a new age kid type, not terribly far from the real life River Phoenix although he didn't think so.

I believe that director Lawrence Kasdan must have read an account of the murder of Rasputin because in real life it took all kinds of things to put him down. They were more successful than this team of assassins were with Kline.

Adding to the hilarity when Phoenix enlists them to help are brain dead druggies William Hurt and Keanu Reeves. The three of them trying to get the job done on Kline is very funny. Reeves and Phoenix met on this film and the next project for both would be My Own Private Idaho the best film both of them ever did.

Dame Joan Plowright a.k.a Lady Olivier is also very funny with another cheesy accent. She's from Yugoslavia and no matter which ethnicity the former polyglot republic had, they're all vengeful people.

In the end though all is forgiven. You have to see the film to know what I'm talking about.
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