Supergirl (1984)
Not worth the effort, just like Superman III, IV and Returns
17 April 2015
Set after the events of Superman III, but without Superman (whom is inexplicably off planet at an inter-galactic peace summit. despite there never having been a mention of non- Kryptonian aliens). Starring Helen Slater as Superman's magically existing cousin (from an entire colony of surviving Kryptonians, despite canon that after Superman II, Jor-El was the last living one). Honestly, I could go on listing continuity errors but I'm afraid at some point in the next few weeks, my keyboard is going to run out of batteries. So I'll just have to skip ahead to reviewing the film off of its own merits.

Eventually, sorcery (Superman's other weakness) was eventually going to have to be brought into the series, so I can forgive that lameness, most certainly. That's not what makes this a bad film. It's a combination of probably the weakest romantic plot (not subplot, which it really should have been), a chronically unenthused (to put in nicely) Peter O'Toole (Lawrence of Arabia, Troy, The Tudors), an overabundance of non-practical effects (which technology of the time was just nut ready for), nearly unbearable banter, and the flimsiest plot built of character being inconceivably stupid that make the film so bad.

But then, that's really the entire film.

At least Supergirl's alter-ego had more thought put into it than "adds/removes glasses" and Selena was an... Acceptable, I suppose, villain. But ultimately Supergirl sits with aforementioned Superman III and Quest for Peace as entirely missable.


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