Hands down one of the worst attempts at comedy!!!!
23 April 2015
My first question is, who was the genius producer who read this material and thought it would be a good idea to make this a film? That person is either extremely ignorant, illiterate, or both. My second question is, has Nia Vardalos' career taken such a dive that she is now forced to take acting jobs in D-level movies like this crap? I turned this thing off after forty minutes (which was forty minutes too long) because it was completely and utterly unwatchable. It's not funny, the dialogue is unbearable, the acting is worst than community theatre level, and the entire film looks like the budget was $20,000. Everything about this film reeks of amateurism. It's a complete joke! Who in their right mind sets out to make nonsense like this??

I won't carry on further about this turd of a film other than to say don't waster your precious time or money!
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