Bad Dog gets Lucky
24 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A trio of satanists, led by a beautiful ex-Bond girl, buy a best-in-class mutt named Lady for their devilish breeding program. After a ludicrous sabbat with dubious acolytes mumbling their mistresses mumbo jumbo, the coven vacate the shed they are in and the evil one (literally, and thankfully off-screen) enters.

Switch to the Barry family. Richard Crenna and Yvette Mimieux discover their dog Skipper has been the victim of a satanic hit and run. You know the satanists are responsible because a neighbour saw the BLACK station wagon responsible. Daughter Kim Richards is heartbroken and vows never to own another dog ever. Her resolve lasts all of 5 minutes as soon a fruit and vegetable selling satanist turns up with Lady (happily recovered from her ordeal) and her cute-as-buttons brood of hell hounds...

And so the Devil's evil plan is set in motion.

Lucky quickly dispatches by fire the Spanish maid who sees through his fluffy cuteness, and brainwashes the children. He then brutally murders next doors dog, then the neighbour himself.

Despite its overall atmosphere of tedium, this film does have one effective scene and another which tips the beastliness over into bestiality. The former has the by-now-full- grown pooch mesmerise Crenna into almost jamming his fist into the whirring blades of a lawn mower, whilst the latter sees him lure Yvette into the bedroom (Lucky is well named). What happens in there is left to the imagination but afterwards she is transformed into a lusty slut only too willing to carry out her masters bidding.

So there is plenty too laugh at for bad movie lovers, but sadly the second half of the film drags on its lead like an enthusiastic untrained 1 year old. Crenna consults a range of needless stock characters (a doctor, a supernatural bookshop owner and a ridiculous old shaman played by Victor Jory), all of whom could have been condensed into one, before eventually vanquishing his canine foe in an equally senseless encounter with sub par special effects in an abandoned factory.

I seriously doubt whether this mixture of comedy devil worship and its entirely unthreatening doggy villain will raise anyone's hackles. Although I've given this a very low score, I have to admit that I quite enjoyed watching it, it just should have been about twenty minutes shorter.
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