This movie should be shown in all film schools
8 May 2015
Yeah, they should do it. Because it's the perfect example of how you can ruin a movie.

I have tried to enjoy it. My first experience was horrible. It was a total disaster and I felt bad for all those who have worked in it because they wasted their time. But the second time... oh, man, it was worse. It has been five months since that boring 2 hour day where I was tempted many times to shut down the computer. Now, after seeing that atrocity again, I can assure you it is the best option.

The movie was a great idea. If you tell the plot to your friends, they will be interested. Raiding for the lost "ET" cartridges? Evil scientists? Hot girls? Wow, this should be amazing! But no, It isn't. It's the worst movie I have ever seen. I have seen many. The Nerd isn't angry, he is just dull. Cooper, his partner, just disappears from mid movie until the very end. The nerdy-girl has a horribly choreographed fight, worst than Pamela Anderson's VIP series. The monster is completely absurd and pointless.

The jokes are not funny, the non-professional actors are lame and the "special effects" are annoying. The film is long and it suffers from it. Many scenes in the second half are unnecessary.

Why is this a total disaster? The acting is bad, yeah, but the directing is worse. They seem to have chosen just the first cut of each scene. Just because a scene had "special effects" is included, regardless of his uselessness. The plot was boring, and that is something that they should have understood before the filming, with lack of humor. And there are many phrases that send yo back to the episodes... but they don't work. Just an example: James raged in the TMNT 3 episode about the horrible fall of the evil character. Well, here he does the same. It was supposed to be funny? To copy a bad scene from a bad movie is funny? I tell you, it doesn't.

My personal view is that they knew this was bad and tried to maximize the errors so this would become a cult movie, such as the toxic avenger, for example. But even in that they failed.
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