Words and acting trump special effects with well done 3D
11 May 2015
A theater piece shot in 3D with a minimal set, a simple idea, yet yielding high drama and action simply from the transcripts of these aviation disasters.

This is a play where it is all about the words and the fact that those words are what really happened. Highly riveting and the blackouts are used to great effect. Here the adrenaline is genuine, not some CGI roller-coaster and it is made more compelling because if you have ever been a passenger on a airplane, it takes you where you probably wouldn't choose to go.

If you are going on a flight somewhere you probably wouldn't want to watch this movie. I am certain that this will never be an in-flight movie. You may want to consider the train or a bus after watching this.

Not a popcorn, action adventure, or any other kid of movie genre that is commercial - this is theater and an art film, not typical product.

The 3D is simple, effective and done as if that is just the way to shoot films, without the usual gimmicks and in your face rudeness of many 3D movies.
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