Good Concept, Lousy Execution
16 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The concept of this movie - using transcripts of cockpit voice recordings to re-enact air crashes - should have made for an intriguing, even fascinating, motion picture, and the producers obviously invested much effort and money in the 3-D animations, which are very good.

Unfortunately, they either didn't have enough money left or didn't care enough to make the live action portions of the movie even remotely realistic. A single cockpit mock-up is used for all the vignettes, regardless of the type of aircraft involved, and it seems to have been made as simply and cheaply as possible, since it's not much better than the cardboard cockpit set of the infamous "Plan 9 From Outer Space." Also, just a few actors are employed, and we see the same faces over and over. Even the uniforms worn are identical in each vignette, regardless of the airline involved, and are not very well done.

But, for me, the last straw was that we are not even told what caused each crash, nor anything of the aftermath, and are left wondering what went wrong and what, if anything, was done to prevent a recurrence.

As a result of the poor production values for the live action sequences and the omission of facts needed to answer questions viewers will certainly have, I cannot recommend this movie.
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