Review of Hidden Agenda

Hidden Agenda (1999)
so-so eastern block who-dunnit
18 May 2015
The script appears to be someone's first attempt at an Eastern-block who-dunnit-spy-intrigue mystery. Kevin Dillon is "David McLean", in our story, on his way to visit his brother. Apparently, the brother has been murdered, but David meets lots of folks who knew Michael. We aren't given any clues as to what's really going on, just lots of secretive looks and car chases by "people" coming after him. The CIA seems to want a disk he finds in a locker, and "Monika" (Andrea Roth" ) knows more than she is telling, but instead of telling David what's going on, he (and us, the viewers) are left in the dark so more people can chase him around. The Stazi secret police are involved, and the bodies start piling up. It pretty much comes to a screeching halt when then they hole up in an apartment about halfway through the film. It's less than satisfying, but it IS part of a four- film thriller set I found, so it is mildly entertaining. Very clichéd, even down to the sound levels jumping way up and way down throughout the film. So typical.
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