100% Medically, and Even More Intellectually Full of S***!
23 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Alright, there's no denying how the concept of seeing spoiled, ditsy assholes, bullies, and violent criminals get tortured by being forced to eat each other's crap can be somewhat gratifying, but watching an adult lose touch with reality and rage like an infant for 90 minutes is hardly fun. I know some fans of the Will Ferrell comedy cult would disagree on that last point, and if this is you then I can only say: Just keep on smoking your dope, drink your Jaegermeister, and don't ever leave your mother's house!

Unlike the first sequel, which had superb acting talent, this one failed completely on that point with all characters excepting those who played the convicts (victims). Not even creepy Dieter Laser could follow up the mad-scientist acting skill which he displayed in the original to this series, he just isn't suited for the Texas Prison Warden role, and it was painful to watch him fall down on that.

As for reality, and the claims which Tom Six makes to how any of these turds reflect this, "The Final (Insult)" takes itself much too seriously on it's medical and political ideas, and anybody who thinks otherwise needs to be locked up before they try anything so stupid. I'm no physician, nor have I any sort of medical training, but then I don't have to be in order to disprove the accuracy of Tom Six's medical claims. Considering that the Millenials grew up with all of the world's information available to them at the click of a few buttons, to see that generation making and accepting such ideas as true is the true horror which this movie causes.

Well, kids, it's not actually true that human life ca be sustained by eating feces. I would have thought that everyone down to 10 years old would know through osmosis and even TV that urine is indeed sterile, while poop is heavily laden with bacteria which will kill you if ingested. The bacteria exist safely and usefully within your colon, but if your colon leaks or you eat poop, you will become infected and you will die! Which is something to consider if you ever find yourself tempted to join that ass-rimming cult of sexual stimulation (make sure there isn't any fecal matter present).

You may have seen your dog eating his own poop when he's hungry, but this is normal for dogs and some other animals with short intestinal tracts. On account of the shortness, their digestion is much less efficient for them than it is for humans and other primates. Therefore, there is enough food value remaining in their feces that it makes sense for them to re-digest it when they cannot get better food, or somebody forgets to feed them. A dog can do this safely because it is descended from wolf stock, which has been evolving antibodies against bacteria and other pathogens for millions of years longer than primates have, and in much harsher climates. Humans have such efficient digestive systems that even if it weren't for the deadly bacterial hazard there is less nutrition in our poop than is worth the energy to digest it. Therefore, if you were put in a human centipede and you were the second in line behind the one who gets fed any sort of edible food, there's no chance that you would survive, and the last few people in a line of 500 would not even taste any s***, they would begin starving immediately.

Don't ask me how I know the above, just go look it up for yourself. I'm not saying believe anything you see that's posted on the subject, far from it - make sure, before you believe anything, that it's agreed upon by multiple, and qualified sources who present their facts in a level-headed manner without any hype, ad-hoc nonsense arguments or other manipulative tactics.

As for how this warden's lunatic idea won even a Texas governor's approval...I know there are some who would smile at that idea, but they could not expect that their voters, so many who have imprisoned family members, would not destroy their political careers.
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