Strange (2002–2003)
Incredible show
2 June 2015
Acting, direction, cinematography, writing, scenic design, clothing, casting and whatever else. . . are all wonderfully done. The show is intelligent, deep, had a great germ of an idea, is very engrossing, and moves along very well. WHY did they CANCEL it? and in England, too, where they have many intelligent, complicated shows for the television audience.

I, for one, like everyone else, i'm sure, think that Asmoth is, of course, the Canon, whom Ian Richardson plays to perfection; he leaves us guessing pretty often, but still you really hate him. Too bad we didn't see him get his!!!! I really would have enjoyed that. We also don't get to see how Jude's son would develop as a character and obviously for the good side! Both the leads have full characterization and are played so well by Samantha Womack and Richard Coyle (the emotions of Strange are so expressive). and what would have happened when John came out of his coma - would he be stronger, have more insight - what?? and Timmy Lang (Kevin), plays his part to a 't'. Very, very annoying whoever canceled this!!!
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