Amazons (1986)
Quest for the magic sword
13 June 2015
The people of the Emerald Lands are defeated by the evil wizard Kalungo (Joseph Whipp). Since their spirit stone isn't powerful enough, their only hope for freedom is a magic sword that could slay the wizard. The Amazon Dyala (Windsor Taylor Randolph) has a vision where to find the sword and goes on a quest for it. A traitor informs Kalungo about it, therefore the mission becomes increasingly dangerous...

Another movie from a series of similar low budget productions of the 1980s, such as 'Barbarian Queen' and 'Deathstalker', but this might actually be the best from the bunch. Acting, dialogs, editing, storyline - everything steps up a notch in quality. Which still means we are talking about a cheap flick with clumsy fight scenes, but it is fairly watchable.
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