Poirot: Four and Twenty Blackbirds (1989)
Season 1, Episode 4
Unfortunately predictable
5 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
An old, reclusive artist is found dead after falling down a flight of stairs. While the police are ready to call it an accident, Poirot doesn't see it that way.

As my rating indicates, I find Four and Twenty Blackbirds an average episode. It has both its good and bad points. I'll start with the good. The acting in this episode is fantastic. Suchet and Company are in fine form. The supporting cast is equal to the task. I was particularly impressed with Hilary Mason in the small role of Mrs. Hill. The sets and set decorations couldn't be better. The richness found in these early episodes is in large part due to the attention to period detail. Sets like the band stand and the art gallery are just amazing.

On to the bad - the biggest problem with Four and Twenty Blackbirds is there are too few viable suspects. At one point, even Poirot comments on the lack of suspects. It really hurts the mystery part of the story. And it doesn't help when Hastings at one point or another suspects every character with one obvious exception - the actual killer.

Finally, I've got to say I really enjoyed the cricket storyline running in the background. It made for a very funny final scene.
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