Impastor (2015–2016)
Don't Miss This Great New Comedy!
16 July 2015
I loved the premiere of Impastor, an edgy, fast-paced comedy about a low-life con man who steals the identity of a gay pastor. Thirty seconds into it, I was already laughing. It packed a huge amount of story into 23 minutes, with several sub-plots pushing the story along. Not only is it a great comedy, but there's action, drama and suspense. It's nice the show is set up with a season-long story arc and not just self-contained, discreet episodes—it left me wanting to see what would happen next.

Michael Rosenbaum is a good choice for the lead character, Buddy Dobbs. He captures the essence of the role as a reluctant impostor trying to make the best of his situation by pretending to be something he clearly knows nothing about. Rosenbaum's timing couldn't be more spot on, especially his comedic delivery.

The whole cast is able to convincingly develop their characters' personalities in the brief time they have on screen. Overall, this is well-cast, with Aimee Garcia playing the no-nonsense girlfriend, LeeAnne, that Buddy has to leave behind; Sara Rue as eager-to-please assistant, Dora; Mircea Monroe as sexy treasurer, Alexa, who has the hots for the new pastor; Mike Kosinski as the obviously gay secretary, Russell, who is very excited by Buddy's arrival; and David Rasche as the suspicious church president, Alden.

I'm really looking forward to the next episodes to see how the story unfolds. I would highly recommend this to adults, but probably only to mature teens, especially due to the use of strong language and some mature sexual themes.
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