This film doesn't even deserve 1 star
16 July 2015
Oh boy, here we go again. The Hollywood military action movie of the year, and the writers on this 'movie' just spat in the face of The movie Jarhead and everyone involved with that story by even having the same name as it. Where Jarhead showed the flip side of deployment, the stir crazy of waiting, the fear of the unknown, the boredom. This is just another attempt at cashing in of something that worked before. It seem to me that the writers watched The Hurt locker and thought it was a great movie, anyone in the military will tell you other wise, and said to themselves "We can do a movie like this, but let's use marines so we can call it Jarhead 2: fields of fire." I could not get more than 20 minutes through it, and the only reason I wanted to watch it was to see how many mistakes I could find, there are a lot. I'm not going to list any, as there are plenty in other reviews. The main thing about this film is that it is almost like the writers just googled stuff about the military and picked and chose what sounded cool, not knowing anything behind how things really work in the military, like no one in the military says "request permission to do…" or "request permission to speak freely". It's low budget and there is no deeper theme or story behind the action. This is the Marines version of the Hurt Locker
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