How to succeed in business and get past the water cooler dirt sessions.
22 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
New employees are always trouble, that's the feeling of the office girls in this tale of office politics gone sour. Frances Grant is Nancy Tilton, a basically decent stenographer who attracts the attention of two men in the office where she has just been hired. Barry Norton is the playboy Don Blair who flirts with her instantly (inciting the snarled wrath of office troublemaker Muriel Evans), while supervisor Ralph Forbes (as Dave Walton) is far more noble in his attentions to her. Evan's Trixie gives Grant a polite but firm warning after the end of the first day, but it soon becomes apparent that she's a volcano about to explode over Norton's attentions to Grant rather than Evans. The theft of a purse puts suspicion on Grant, but it's obvious that she was framed. Realizing that this whole mess is more than she wants to handle during an 8 hour work day, Grant leaves town but is followed separately by both Norton and Evans which comes just as money from the company's safe disappears.

Oh, I can't forget Grant's little white lie about being related to Chicago's top society doyenne, and Norton's mother's attempts to social climb through this little tidbit. The assumptions that the same last name automatically makes people related isn't necessarily Grant's fault, but it sets her up to take the blame for the theft. Franklin Pangborn is only slightly prissy (as compared to normal) as the office manager, while Evans is downright loathsome as the vindictive Trixie. While I detested Trixie from the very beginning, I couldn't fault Evans for her deliciously malevolent performance. Jeanie Roberts adds stereotypical "dumb bunny" comic relief as Grant's one office friend. It's obvious that Forbes' Dave is far more deserving of Grant's affections than the pathetic Norton, but sometimes infatuation can blind people to the truth. The film does leave a few unanswered questions but has a few delicious exit lines which makes it all the more enjoyable.
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