The One With The Messy Apartment...
29 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode. It's a great follow-up to the Series Premiere, and is just so funny. It's great because we learn more about the characters, about their histories, and quirks, which I love seeing.

In this episode, Penny asks Leonard and Sheldon a favor, to let the furniture delivery man into her apartment, whilst she's at work. Sheldon reluctantly agrees, whilst Leonard is happy that he's even being noticed. When the delivery man comes, he has no way of getting the box up the stairs, and since the elevator is broken, he just leaves it in the capable hands of Sheldon and Leonard. They try to get it up the stairs, and it doesn't go very smoothly. When they take the box into Penny's apartment, Sheldon discovers that she is a slob, and that night he can't sleep because of it, so he goes into her apartment in the middle of the night, and cleans. When Penny wakes up, she is furious, understandably.

Fun Fact: Howard is allergic to peanuts.

Fun Fact: Sheldon has a Master's Degree, and two PhD's.

Fun Fact: Sheldon is allergic to bees.

Fun Fact: The title refers to the cereals that Sheldon has on the top of his fridge, which are sorted by fiber content.

Fun Fact: We see the inside of Penny's apartment for the first time.

Best part of the episode: When Sheldon cleans Penny's apartment.

Overall, I give this episode a 10 out of 10, which in my ratings book is: Freaking Ridonkulous.
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