Impastor (2015–2016)
So wrong... In all the right ways
9 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
An excellent cast, an interesting premise, great sets and nice editing can only go so far. What makes or breaks a movie or television series is in large part due to the writing. I'm going to be honest with you and say Impastor is not for everyone. This show is actually targeting a very niche audience, which dislikes political correctness. Impastor has thrown all that out. Its got jokes about religion, homosexuality, sex, drugs, suicide, death, sickness and even... Scooby Doo! You name it, it's there. That said, I personally don't think the show is banging us over the head with anything or trying too hard (I think it's hysterical). It does require a BIG sense of humor about touchy subjects and, even so, the writers aren't attacking certain groups, but rather making fun in a playful manner. For example, in episode two, we learn that Lutherans don't pray for the dead. When Buddy, the atheist con man, hears Alden say that, he replies, "They're dead f-them." Can't handle a joke like that? Move along... The show also requires the viewers to have some suspension of disbelief, but then again, what doesn't? Think of how many books, movies, TV series wouldn't exist if the audience couldn't do that...So, yes, Buddy gets to live in a nice home, free. It's just a perk of the job. If none of the things I've mentioned before bothered you, I think you'll dig the show. It's refreshing and not only because of the subject matter, but the way the writers go about it, too. They found a sweet combination that is somehow dark, morbid, raunchy/gross out humor with stuff that is much more light and cute. Impastor is also not typical sitcom where the jokes are set up. It's very much character driven, so the jokes come naturally. In addition to that, the show is more serialized than other sitcoms. Each episode ends with a cliffhanger and there is a big story to be told. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm going along for the ride.
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