Review of Enemy

Enemy (2013)
Intriguing Premise, Interesting story, but forgettable film
16 August 2015
One of the reviews on the DVD cover say's "it stays with you". For me this was an instantly forgettable flick.

It sounded like a film with an interesting premise, but the art-house direction the film takes, put me off quite a bit, I also disliked the palette of the film. I only stayed with it to its conclusion to see what direction the film would choose to go.

I found the acting performance of Jake Gyllenhaal one of the plus points of the film, but the pace and the way the story unfolds was very unsatisfying for me.

I have read other reviews here on the meaning of the movie, so I get that it was not meant to be a conventional thriller as such, but a more abstract one. But here is where I lost interest as it was difficult to care what was happening to the characters.

I really did not care for this film, other than the acting there was nothing here that would make me recommend the film, unless you are a fan of David Lynch or similar such directors, which I am most definitely NOT.

I would give it 6/10 overall due to its artistic merits and acting, but purely for entertainment it would get less.
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