As a Resident of Fresno...
5 September 2015
As a resident of Fresno I found this movie to be simply terrible. Not because of any city bashing or anything like that, it was just extremely unappealing. Fresno doesn't get very many shout-outs in film. I remember in the movie, Monsters Vs. Aliens, a Fresno name drop garnered whooping from everyone in the theatre. So when Addicted to Fresno information started popping up people here were starting to get excited. And when this reaches a wider release they will be disappointed.

This slow burn of a film felt twice it's length as we watch unlikable characters follow a predictable plot in the most unappealing way possible. I would give the director credit in making an ugly movie, fitting to Fresno, but after watching her work I think it was just a lucky\unlucky accident. I love crude humor, things that make me cringe and ugly people doing ugly things, however this just felt like going for disgusting for the sake of it. There was no substance in the script at all. I was offended solely because of any praise whatsoever that is garnered for this trashy, dense, slow "comedy".

What irks me the most is that this is supposed to prove women can work in the film industry. The story is very feminism driven and with a stacked female cast and both the director and writer being women this feels like an embarrassment to the whole idea of that. I am all for equality and the likes but choose something else to jump behind when promoting feminism. Especially when the only two people putting effort into this craft were Jon Daly and Fred Armisen.

Indie movies are indie movies for one of two reasons. It pushes the envelope in experimental and artistic ways, or it is a piece of crap movie that major studios are smart enough not to touch. I'll let you guess which one Addicted to Fresno is.
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