Two Down (2015)
Astounding Low Budget Debut
10 September 2015
I was fortunate to stumble across this at a festival, The Artemis Women in Film Festival in California, and loved every minute of it. As and Englishman living in L.A it was wonderful seeing London again but without the gritty gangster feel that seems to come from most UK films of this sort, nor the glamour that Hollywood tends to see the city through. From the classy opening scene with credits I could see the filmmakers had taken great care to create a film to span decades but set in a modern world. It told me that this was going to be a very well crafted film indeed. And I wasn't disappointed. The script, shots, editing, music is stylish, well thought out and brilliantly executed. And the acting is sublime. Not one bum note in the 88 minutes that the film runs for. The pacing is perfect, allowing us into the strange world of 'John Thomas', a very British joke!, but never feeling as if it should be faster. It's a low budget affair to be sure, but for a debut feature it sings of promise for the filmmakers and I'm intrigued to see where they go from here. Bigger and brighter things I'm sure.
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