Almost unwatchable
18 September 2015
How The Girl in the Photographs was accepted into Midnight Madness at TIFF 2015 is certainly a mystery to me. Poor writing and performances overall, this movie was a chore to sit through. Even the usually excellent Katherine Isabelle is mediocre at best here (granted she doesn't have much screen time). Karl Penn's attempt at comedy was grating and absolutely unfunny. The plot, while having some promise initially drowns in a sea of mess. I have never walked out of a screening before, but The Girl in the Photographs made me come close. I did stay until the end, but it certainly took a lot of will power. It is unfortunate that this would be one of the last projects that Wes Craven's name is attached to (as Executive Producer).

No matter how a movie turns out, I know equal amounts of blood and sweat went into making it, and because of that I try to find at least one positive point to make about any movie. In this case, perhaps the cinematography was the only element that wasn't terrible. Shot by the excellent Dean Cundey (Halloween, Back to the Future, Apollo 13, etc.) the movie looks good with some nice Steadicam work.

Went in with realistic expectations and walked out severely disappointed. Avoid this one.
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