Tomorrowland (2015)
Positive Characters and Great Visuals
28 September 2015
I read a bunch of negative reviews and almost didn't view this movie. That would have been my loss. It's almost like the negative reviewers were talking about themselves and their own lives in their harshly negative assessment of Tomorrowland. It's fun, positive, fast-paced and visually very pleasing.

I'm an old man, and was actually at the 1964 World's Fair whose theme was "Peace Through Understanding". It was a time of limitless possibilities. It was a time just before space exploration and all the inventions that came from that technical effort; calculators, cell technology and of course computers. Everything seemed possible. The movie starts there, where George Clooney's younger self comes into contact with a type of Cold War scientist. The movie explores the possibility of what would have happened if the free spirited positive thinkers had taken control of America, not the Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon "Peace through War" types. The children of the people who supported the death of the ideals in 1964 are now the a**holes writing negative reviews.

What's so bad about a movie fantasy where the good guys win, and build a better world with positive values and cool technology?
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