Milliner and Co. Have Crafted One Of The Best Fan Films Around
23 September 2015
There are a lot of mediocre (read: terrible) fan films out there. Most fan film creators are content to lazily and sloppily recreate scenes from their favorite films without presenting anything different or entertaining. "Confession" is not one of those films. Milliner and his cast and crew have crafted a loving tribute to the original Nightmare that doesn't get by only on fan service (though there's plenty of moments that should make fans giddy).

Kevin Roach is perfectly cast as a pre-burned Freddy. Does he look or sound like Robert Englund? No, but that's what makes his performance work. He's not mimicking Englund as Freddy, but playing him the way he sees fit. He takes some bits from Englund's performance, but there are moments that clearly come from the mind of Milliner and Roach. A few people have played Freddy before he was killed by the parents of Springwood, but Roach's performance was the first time I watched someone play Freddy who actually held my attention, and who felt threatening on- screen.

Milliner also has what a lot of fan film creators don't have: a great eye and a knowledge of how films should work. Make no mistake: this is a low-budget production. Films about conversations usually are, but Milliner manages to make it feel grand and cinematic through cinematographer D.P. Bonnell's widescreen compositions and composer Lito Velasco's pitch perfect versions of Charles Bernstein's iconic score. Low-budget or not, it never feels cheap.

All in all, this is a wonderful tribute to a film that still holds up as a classic in the horror genre. It's definitely worth setting aside the half-hour it takes to enjoy it.
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