Review of Normal Life

Normal Life (1996)
You know the true story behind it
10 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Edited for Additional Insights

I know all the locale and I am not going to trying not to do a spoiler with this one because I know the story about Jeffery and Jill Erickson.

The bank robbers who made off with $180,000 and funded a used book store. I went looking for photos of Jeff Erickson as I was doing my presentation and I was sitting beside myself when I noticed that Luke Perry with the the mustache even looked like Jeff Erickson to the t.

Luke Perry's performance is easy his best role; very convincing in playing the character based on Jeffery and I am wondering how much about the news story did he read into getting ready for the role. I was 20 years old when I caught this on HBO. I remember parts of the case in detail as my mother was one of their book store customers in 1991.

I am not going to link up the Chicago Tribune articles because they might give too much of the plot away but it's been so long with this.

Those of you who are reviewing this movie; how much do some of you know the real story behind it? This movie is based upon a very real news story that broke in the early 1990s as I was a Sophomore when it was fully surfaced.

I do remember the movie and the case. Roselle did produce the Bonnie and Clyde as I wrote about this on FictionPress.

The story I wrote from the events was called Bonnie 'n Clyde: 60172 as my own book An Eye In Shadows provided some insight about the case too.

The ISBN: 9781682731086 is how you can find this and you want to do further reading on the case you can do so here if you haven't read the articles about it. I went through the old articles about the case and wondered how much did the director research about this as he's from Chicago.

It's a very unique character study piece and I do encourage those of you who are Illinois based writers to explore the case some because there is a story there. This movie I am looking at from a local's standpoint and it is well written at to boot. Those of you who never been to the area and want to look into the locations -- I know each one where they are at.

Normal Life if you're looking at it from a Chicagoan perspective who grew up around Roselle, Schaumburg, Hoffman Estates, and Hanover Park -- you're thinking about this film if you seen it and wonder, "Where were you doing when you learned about this?" It's the kind of movie you want to sit down with your friends in a diner who had never been to Chicago before and seen the film, you want to tell them "This really happened!"

My five year memoir An Eye In Shadows discusses this in the 1991-1992 part of the book as my mother was one of his customers in passing.
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