Anomalisa (2015)
Kaufman Delivers on his First Stop-Motion Project
22 October 2015
First Viewing:

Well, Kids, it has finally happened. Watching Charlie Kaufman's ANOMALISA was like being at Disney World for the first time. THE HOUR AND THIRTY-MINUTES went by so fast for me from how much fun I was having. AND HE DELIVERED! as usual. If you are one who is thinking that 'maybe after being out of the spotlight for six years', that maybe Kaufman had lost his touch, NO. not in the slightest.

This alluring and poetic stop-motion picture takes place in one of the most undervalued cities of the world; Cincinnati. Which is famous for its "zoo's" and "chili" supposedly. Michael Stone, played by the very gifted David Thewlis, is an award-winning author for a business-ethics book that is highly praised by all. Literally.. you will HEAR background voices whispering about. saying, "look, it's Michael Stone." Unfortunately, he is not too proud to be who he is.

Masks. (beat) We all wear them. But how far do we go to hide who we truly are in the norm of the world? — *A WORLD WHERE EVERYONES VOICES SOUND THE SAME.* — Michael feels as if he is living a lie. He is trapped! But it doesn't stop there. In my opinion, he is not one who gives-up easily. **ONE NIGHT, as he checks into an average hotel suite, he begins drinking; thinking about an old lover, Belle, INSTEAD of his wife and (firefighting) son at home.

Things begin to shift gears when a quasi-surreal occurrence happens after a nice warm shower in the hotel room. You see, the faces for these puppets that Kaufman and Johnson use have a very unique look that most "clay-nation-ers" choose to omit out. That is, the lines on the face where the animators can change their facial expressions; usually, these lines are covered up.

**One element that I want to first go into was THE SOUND. Now, I am no expert with sound department, but viewing this in the theater with the rumbles and echoes, it was like a dream.

This was a PERFECT FILM. I do not deny saying it. Part of my critique was based off my love for screenwriter Charlie Kaufman, but I am beyond that. If this was a bad film, I would say so, but for this brilliant storyteller, it is simply impassible. His poetically charged dialogue saves all and It is the main reason why I love the piece of shite. If it weren't for these passionate, lost characters trying to find themselves, I would not know where I am right now.

Thank you Mr. Charlie Kaufman
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