Fort Massacre (1958)
Unknown but interesting Western about a small regiment stranded in an abandoned location and strongly surrounded by avenger Indians
30 October 2015
Thoughtful and powerful Western drama well played , splendidly photographed and compellingly directed . The West's most savage story titled ¨Fort Massacre¨ is set during the Indian Wars in the Southwest , with a military detachment whose mission results to be escort a civil column . There , a sergeant called Vinson (Joel McCrea) assumes command of a cavalry team after it is mauled in an Apache ambush that murdered its captain and seriously wounded its lieutenant . Vinson is a revenger cavalry sergeant to roust renegade troopers and a tribe of Apaches and subsequently the cavalry troop finds itself under constant attack by Indians . Then , the surviving troopers , including various Privates (Forrest Tucker , John Russell , Denver Pyle) along with an Indian scout , Pawne , (Anthony Caruso) must reach either a wagon train , or a larger cavalry column . Vinson puts the bridle on tight and struggles to win his soldiers respect while warding off violent Indians . But first they need water and the nearest water hole is in Apache hands . Vinson along with a group of soldiers have to defend a left place surrounded by Indians until arrival reinforcement . The more desperate his fight on the desert's scorching sands , the more adored he was in her arms ¡ .

Pretty good Western starring an excellent Joel McCrea as revenger who gains his identity killing Indians . This is an exciting flick about hate , pride and cunning . Spectacular and breathtaking scenes when there happen the Indian attacks . It is an exciting Western/drama that holds you interest from start to finish and right through to the intriguing tale , as well as a stirring climax . The flick displays a deep denounce about senseless acts of racism and Indian murders . Moving and thought-provoking screenplay by Martin Goldsmith with great sense of realism , complexity and attention to detail . Director takes a fine penned screenplay creating a cavalry-Indians tale that is far from ordinary , exploring the anguish of soldiers and including jarring burst of violence , however it packs a predictable ending . It's the habitual theme about an unit stranded by enemies and their grueling efforts to break the siege, issue imitated many other times . The plot is quite grim by United Artists Western standards , though it results to be entertaining . In film premiere failed at box office and it was panned by critics and lukewarm reception by public ; however , nowadays reviewers carried a detailed reappraisal of the movie . The cast is frankly well . Joel McCrea is solid , if a bit stolid . The support cast is fine , as John Russell , Anthony Caruso , Denver Pyle , Francis McDonald , Susan Cabot as beautiful Piute Indian girl and final film of Irving Bacon . Colorful cinematography by Carl E. Guthrie that features some clever matte paintings and lush three-strip Technicolor , De Luxe photography , being shot in National Parks such as Gallup, New Mexico , Red Rock State Park, Church Rock, New Mexico, Kanab , Utah . Thrilling as well as evocative Original Music by Marlín Skiles .

Directed and in nice style by Joseph M. Newman who previously directed other good Western titled ¨Pony Soldier¨ . Joseph received two Oscar nominations as assistant director . Many of his films , almost all second features and shot on modest budgets , use character actors rather than stars for the lead roles . They have a gritty , semi-documentary look , particularly his two best offerings : the film noir ¨The human jungle¨ (1954) and the outdoor drama ¨Red sky of Montana¨ (1952) . Many also share an overriding preoccupation with technology , as in "711 Ocean Drive", in which an electronically-minded telephone repairman played by Edmond O'Brien becomes entangled with a shady bookmaking syndicate and in Newman's most famous film, the cult sci-fi Island Earth (1955) , though re-shot by director Jack Arnold . Newman's work was competent, if routine : some westerns as ¨The sheriff of Dodge City¨, ¨The Outcasts of Poker Flat¨ ,¨Fort Comanche¨ , Ädventure : ¨Tarzan, the Ape Man¨ (1959) and a few crime pictures as ¨Death in Small Doses¨ , ¨Flight to Hong Kong¨, ¨King of the Roaring 20's: The Story of Arnold Rothstein¨ , (1961) and ¨The lawbreakers¨ (1961) . ¨Fort Massacre¨ is an authentic must see , not to be missed for buffs of the genre . An enjoyable movie because of its awesome acting , dialog , score are world class.
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