Gunslinger Girl (2003–2004)
Don't miss Il Teatrino
16 March 2016
What if little girls defended good men with the same intensity good men currently defend little girls? This series is absolutely fantastic on so many levels: writing, animation, directing, English dubs, supporting cast, antagonists...

The only complaint I've had, showing this to other anime fans, is that it's a bit of a slow start, focusing on relationships. True, but it's worth it. If you still think it's too slow, Il Teatrino is faster and really can stand alone if need be. You could do the original as a prequel after the fact, if you so choose.

For context, my other favorite animes are Darker than Black, Cowboy Bebop, Code Geass, and Deathnote. If you like any of those, you should love this.
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