Review of Man Hunt

Man Hunt (1936)
Not the Fritz Lang Movie
22 March 2016
When vicious bank robber Ricardo Cortez is spotted in tiny Coasterville, a man hunt ensues, offering important opportunities for local reporter William Gargan, old-timer Chic Sales and fired schoolmarm Marguerite Churchill

This so-so Warner B plays to its principals' strengths, particularly Ricardo Cortez, who gives a nicely varied performance. However, while the production values are fine, The message that big town folks are phony and small town people know how to get the job done, gets particularly annoying whenever Sales is doing his old coot act. DP Joseph Ruttenberg offers his usual impeccable lighting, operating with a low key instead of his usual glossy look. However the story wears thin soon enough with a story that had been done before and with little to offer in the way of individual insight.
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