19 March 2016

Although I'm a big fan of nearly every kind of Motorsports and absolutely keen on squeezing (and getting squeezed by) my bike on racetracks myself, I really doubted about the 2h+ - de facto I was so under a spell, I even forgot to drink...!! Furthermore the movie's style, Pitt's narration and the selection and mixing of music and SFX reminded me strongly on "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", which is also one of my all-time favorites. Commemorating SIC is emotionally perfected by Pink Floyd's "Wish you were here", as Music and effects are always present, but never obtrusive.

Finally, one those very few movies assuring me I couldn't have spent my time much better! And -which is also a big "proof of quality"- a movie which I can't rest or relax to, cause keeps me sitting up straight on the sofa...

Thank you, Mark Neale!!
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