Storyville: India's Daughter (2015)
Season 19, Episode 10
Read my review & say - None Sense documentary & 'ILL- LEGAL' movie.
2 April 2016
(1)Why the movie is non - sense ? -- Because, (i) It talks nothing about 'India's daughter', film spews trash & lies about life of Indian men/women & society as whole. (ii) Its moral duty of documentary producer & maker to tell a complete story! its very un-ethical to show selective/skewed clips , scripted dialogs & use anecdotes to make unfair generalizations & more over claims through this movie that - most Indian men mentality & society in general keeps women at feet & have pervert attitude towards women (which i think is absolute non-sense).How many of you male Indians (reading this review right now) share same chauvinist behaviour towards women around you ?(as shone in movie by convicts / 1 of lawyers?) film-maker

(2) Now let's talk about legality of movie, its impact on society & agenda of BBC / film-maker.

i) Impact- BBC & film maker is reflecting only 1 thing on society - 'NEGATIVITY' Film gives an international platform to rape convicts to share their sexual chauvinist views towards women & this in turn may inspire other perverts/prospective future rapists to do same.

ii) Agenda-

BBC & film-maker have been quite successful in selling- 1 spicy Indian rape story to earn TV rated points (TRP) for BBC channel & converting it into- money/fame by defaming Indians & fooling its audiences (Indians are only species on earth who self pity & applaud white film-maker for her criminal act, Indian mindset is full of inferiority complex. Non-stop Indian TV adverts of fairness creams are best example, whats wrong with brown skin ? stop praising white skin people for no reason, stop taking selfie photos with white foreigner tourists because they are not aliens from Jupiter! Stop applauding & giving special treatments to white skin British film- maker - everything white westerners does/says is 'NOT' gospel truth). How about making a movie on black under-age girl raped by bunch of whites in London tubes? well , that does not earn BBC 1 Billion fans nor can you manage to bring millions of Britisher's to protest on streets against 1 rape/crime activity, also you cannot make an illegal movie within U.K.itself & its quite hard to sell 1 rape story to Britisher's & claim London as rape capital of world. Inferiority complex filled Indians would never believe that story anyway. HAHA

Legality -

Leslee udwin & BBC are cheaters-who broke Indian laws by making ill-legal film, went further to broadcast it without getting it certified by Indian motion pictures censor board, & thus - insulted Indian society/people & have falsely painted India as rape capital of world. Film-maker has also betrayed her Indian crew who helped her make this film, Mukesh (one of convict movie character) has filed police complaint where he claimed that he was compelled to "speak the written script", parents of victim also have filed police complaint because they never gave permission to show real name of their victim daughter & the graphic images in movie, Film-maker is 'WANTED' by Indian law court. she may have got away with her criminal act but no one can deny that she is a fraud & fugitive & it saddens me to see many Indians applauding her movie/criminal acts, mis-deeds. BBC needs self-introspection, because they broadcasted an ill-legal movie which was made by breaking laws of other countries.
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