The Way Home (II) (2010)
Wholesome feel-good film. Not as preachy as some reviewers have suggested.
2 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a gentle, simple film, based on true events, about honest people with kind hearts working together as a community. As such, it is not a "blockbuster". It does not have any special effects, violence, nudity, or action - other than some well orchestrated crowd scenes and use of a couple of helicopters. Therefore, it seems to have disappointed one or two reviewers.

However, their disappointment speaks more to their unrealistic expectations of the film, rather than any failings of its creators to effectively tell their story - which they do with competence, heart, and production values appropriate to the material.

Personally, I do NOT believe in God (or any other higher power), and I am usually irritated (at best) and enraged (at worst) by people with religious "faith" imposing their beliefs on all and sundry. However, I found nothing offensive or preachy in this film.

The film depicts real people who DO have faith, and as far as I can tell it does so honestly, and with no agenda other than telling THEIR story. I didn't at any time feel that I was being subtly coerced into following their beliefs. Simply observing them interacting with each other in their own way. Yes, every one in it seemed to be a very good, kind-hearted person, and they no doubt attribute that to their faith. And in some respects so do I - not because I share their religious beliefs, but because I recognise their humanity, which is compatible with my own.

I was moved by the kindness and selflessness of the people depicted, and the film successfully drew me in to share their fears, doubts, and ultimate relief. As a non-believer I don't begrudge them their joy. I personally think they got lucky - most people don't - and their good luck would naturally seem to them like the intervention of a benign and loving God. And maybe they're right about that. I can't disprove his existence. But my doubts about his existence are as strong as their (equally unprovable) faith.

But none of that matters. In this instance, no one was harmed by the religion. A family was reunited, and during the time the boy was missing their "faith" kept them strong and gave them some comfort. And no doubt the kindness of the community was at least in part due to the religious connection between them all.

So, the film kept me interested and invested throughout, I cared about the characters; I cared about the outcome; I was never bored; I was never distracted by irritation over the religious content. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed it. For what it was. A pleasant little TV movie, well-made, well acted, and with a happy ending. Sometimes that's all I need.
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