Review of Mr. Right

Mr. Right (I) (2015)
Its heart is in the right place, but Mr. Right's script is all kinds of wrong.
12 April 2016
Sam Rockwell knocks it out of the park as a goofy, charming ex-hit-man; his character is basically if Hank Moody from Californication was an expert on guns instead of girls. All of the acting is great. Anna Kendrick is likable as ever, Tim Roth is fantastic for what little he's given to do, even RZA is good in his small quirky role. The main problem with Mr. Right is the production value. It's bad across the board: the directing, the editing, the script, hell the credits are literally Times New Roman 12 pt font. It's so noticeably lazy that it takes you out of the movie.

Thankfully the leads have chemistry to keep it afloat. When the charm of this movie hits, it hits hard. There were plenty of laughs and I was rooting for this couple to kick some ass and work out their problems, and that's a testament to how well Rockwell and Kendrick play off each other and their natural comedic chops. They're just fun to watch. And when the baddies start showing up the action sequences are pretty cool too. Absolutely ridiculous, but gleefully entertaining.

The plot is the bane of this movie. Any time the two leads (or Tim Roth) aren't on screen and the story shifts to the conflict between the two brothers, the guys who hired RZA and other nameless hit men to kill Rockwell's character, the movie grinds to a halt. Neither of the bad guys are likable. They're spoiled douchebags. In any action movie you'd like to have at least a decent villain but that's not even the case here. Tim Roth plays more an antihero whose motives aren't made clear until late, and it's not much of a payoff but it's always great to see Roth on screen. He plays a secret agent who constantly shifts identities so we get to see him flex his accent muscles which is always a good thing.

I can't recommend seeing this movie because the plot is so frustrating, but I did get some laughs and the performances are spot on. If only to watch Sam Rockwell have a blast in the role of a lifetime backed by a wonderful supporting cast, Mr. Right is worth checking out. Just don't go in expecting greatness because you'll likely be disappointed.
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