Containment (I) (2015)
17 April 2016
CONTAINMENT is a modern-day British horror flick about a disparate group of characters trapped in a single location. That set-up has already played out admirably in the likes of TOWER BLOCK, a film that looks like a masterpiece in comparison to this one. Sadly, CONTAINMENT has a poor script with no real beginning, middle, or end, and it's one of those films where virtually nothing happens throughout.

Most of the faults can be laid at the door of the scriptwriters, who fail to make any of the characters remotely sympathetic. Conflict between the protagonists feels artificial and tacked-on in order to keep viewers interested. It doesn't work. There's no incident, action, or real horror, just a few sequences of characters shouting which is hardly enthralling. The ending requires the viewer to care about the fate of a couple of the characters and needless to say that by this stage all interest has long since vanished.
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