Mr. Right (I) (2015)
Mr. Right Review: A Lot Goes Right for Mr. Right
16 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Reviewed by: Dare Devil Kid (DDK)

Rating: 3.4/5 stars

Breezy, ballsy, crazy, and, most importantly, entertaining, "Mr. Right" is a screwball, hit-man, action rom-com if you will, where Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis from "Some Like it Hot" meet James Bond, Jason Bourne, Ethan Hunt, and even a bit of Bruce Lee. The plot is unabashedly insane and could have done with a lot more explanation; the characters are bat-sh*t crazy and could have had better arcs, but the film as a whole is quite funny and enjoyable, mostly due to its effervescent lead pair that make this candy-floss tale of blood and romance more charming than it has any right to be.

After going through a painful break up, a woman meets a man who appears to be perfect for her. However, as their relationship develops, she learns that he is a former hit-man. Their new, but genuine relationship is tested when his dark past comes back to haunt him. As the bodies pile up, she needs to decide whether to flee or join in the mayhem.

Sam Rockwell, who literally dances his way through the action sequences with kicks, knives, guns, and punches (who'd have thought that Rockwell could have ever pulled such stuff off), hasn't played a character this satisfying in years while Anna Kendrick, although always funny, has never been let loose like this. Rockwell and Kendrick are a match made in some bizarro version of Cuteville, and literally sell the film's quirkiness on their backs alone. In- between, RZA pops up for a fun cameo as a kindhearted gunman for hire.

For those who can warm up to this insane amalgamation of cool, mystery-assassin homage and adorable, love-at-first-sight schmaltz, "Mr. Right" may just be the most enjoyable action-comedy since Melissa McCarthy's "Spy" last year.
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