Ali Wong: Baby Cobra (2016 TV Special)
30 May 2016
Read some mixed reviews about this special, mostly good, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I'm regretting that now. Maybe it's just the humor that I'm accustomed to but I found none of Baby Cobra entertaining. I could tell she was trying and what she does works for some people. It certainly has nothing to do with the slight vulgar elements, I'm a big fan of Ron White's stand-up. It simply isn't funny in my opinion. I enjoy the comedy styles of those like Jim Gaffigan and Mitch Hedberg. She's closer to the level of someone like Amy Schumer without the shock value...or the funny. My opinion was obviously much different than the people in the audience. Had I not seen people in the seats I would have been sure Netflix used a laugh track at her punchlines. I would have given her special a rating of 1 out of 10 if it weren't for two vaguely redeeming qualities: She appears to be enthusiastic about performing and she's an attractive female comic. (The last reason may come off a bit crass but I really had no other motivation to endure the entire show.) I'm not attempting to deter anyone from watching her show but after seeing it I would advise you to set the bar low before starting.
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