A amazing police drama that makes me want more
20 June 2016
Cause it feels like the beginning of a great police drama, and I found out as I was leaving the theater that I saw this in, that This movie was one in a trilogy called Department Q, and The Keeper of Lost Causes makes me want to see the other two so badly.

Carl is one of those types of police detectives who is so driven by finding justice and solving the case that he has isolated all the other hard working but worn out police detectives, and when his last Homicide case ends with both him and his partner getting shoot, he's forced into desk duty in the basement tending to cold cases. The first case he tries to close was a familiar case he feels did not go down the way it's written and needs to be solved.

I have to admit, that sometimes when you see a gritty cop drama with one minded police officers like Carl, you tend to get just as annoyed with him as everyone else in the film, but I did not feel that way about Carl. Maybe it was the actor or the fact that it was subtitled, but I like the character from the beginning.

I also was a fan of the the supporting actor, his partner Assad. It was the perfect miss match as a young cop tried of his old position and just wants to do something more substantial versus Carl who feels like Department Q is where cops go to wait for retirement.

The case in itself was a good one too. Just how the information was laid out was interesting, and easy to follow. Gave a sense that you were solving the case right along with them.

The picture also displays the proper mood using very gritty colors and lighting to give a cold case feel.

I definitely recommend The Keeper of Lost Causes, it's one of the best police dramas I've seen on the big screen, and I can't wait to see the rest of the Department Q series.
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