Review of Elopement

Elopement (1951)
Go to Sweden, Anne!
26 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Late at night...when your standards are low, you may be impressed by a movie where some characters talk as though they are actually intelligent and capable of thought. Where kids are bratty and lovable in turns, just like real kids. Where being some kind of artist is neither denigrated nor raised up to some kind of quasi - Godlike status. Where there is low - key, experiential understanding of what happens when people who have little or nothing in common are stuck into a crowded space for hours and are forced to interact. Where understated care has been put into lighting and set design.

Please pay attention to the way avant - garde designer Clifton Webb interacts with normal chairs. It's a wonderfully observed throwaway running gag.

This film is a remote cousin to Bunuel's Mexican Bus Ride. Some of it looks like it could have been directed by Edgar Ulmer. The story is what it is and the romantic leads are not that compelling (although Anne Francis is of course very pretty). Turn off the lights and let it happen. There's a nicely - filmed sunrise...
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