Has potential, but ultimately failed
2 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Years after being born through rape, a half-vampire human trying to track down and destroy his vampire father finds him teaching at a college campus attempting to conceive more creatures like him and races to put a stop to it before he turns the whole school.

This was a wholly flawed vampire film. One of the few areas this one gets right is that the general concept of the vampire in the film is pretty new and original in that the vampire doesn't just kill but also rapes his victims. The sexuality of vampires is a subject that has been beaten to death, but since the relationship between vampire and victim is more than just neck-biting, it serves its purpose by making a time worn movie monster all the more horrific. The film gets a lot of mileage out of this act especially when it comes to his dealings on campus holding his cover as a professor in the middle segments. There's one other big area that works here which comes from it's few rather finely-detailed atmospheric moments. The special opening scene in the graveyard sets a creepy ambiance that works incredibly well for the film as the insane amount of fog on display gives it a very Gothic feel, and the setting, a spooky cemetery, is heightened with scenes of the opening of the casket does help this get off to a great start as well with the decayed and grotesque creature with the couple unaware of the whole thing until the big attack. There's also the finale, which really tries to inject some sense of energy into the proceedings and makes for a somewhat decent enjoyable time here with the seance sequence tying some of the plot lines together and the revelation that's revealed to the group enabling some enjoyable moments as his vampire form stalks them leading into the huge fight around the house that's quite fun since something's actually happening. These here are all that work well here as the film really stumbled on one main important factor. Other than a couple of relatively bloodless murders spread throughout the film, nothing at all happens as the film is a very, very boring watch. This here is quite easily one of the most lifeless and draining, lifeless efforts of that time period with so little action here as it's mostly covered by a lot of dialog in the film. This is a very talky film, as everyone engages in conversation about everything and it just wears out after the tenth consecutive minute of characters exchanged in the same conversation. We get scenes of the mother trying to tend to him as a child or scenes in the classroom of his father teaching, but they're all so draining and dull that it doesn't manage to work out those dull spots at all. That this is further hindered by the inane and wholly illogical romance subplot that doesn't do the film any favors at all with such a wholly underwhelming idea to show them together that gives the film another rather dull storyline that doesn't add anything to the film as a whole. These here are what really hold this one back.

Rated PG: Violence and themes of Rape.
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