Review of The Tunnel

The Tunnel (2013–2018)
Its the bridge
4 July 2016
I prefer the Bridge Swedish original. The actors were better, In true British fashion the Tunnel UK cop character has attended university and is politically aroused. They just cant allow their cops to be just cops.They have to attend Oxford or Cambridge or ETon. This is supposed to add interest to the character but it looks false to someone from the USA that they just cant doff their class bias. Even your police have to be of the better sort to be appropriate or interesting or competent. Inspector Lewis and Gently being the exceptions .Female Tunnel lead is kind of shallow. I have discovered that British TV is mining the Scandinavian mother lode

to come up with ideas, Both the Bridge and WAllander Swedish style were superior. The UK Wallander was so slow paced ....and drawn out. Branaghs mugging needed faster music or caffeine to speed up the story. You could build a bridge during the plot points. In summary the Tunnel is OK. Its a copy and the original is better.
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