Happyish (2015)
Tried to give it a chance
30 July 2016
So, I saw this had Steve Coogan & I happen to like him, and Netflix thought I'd like it (it suggested I would 4.5 stars like it, in fact) and I took a chance watching it. I watched about 5 episodes before I no longer felt it deserved my attention at all, and turned it off. I kept getting this familiar feeling & couldn't put my finger on it, but it was bothering me for sure. That's when I finally noticed the studio was Showtime. I finally understood the feeling. I realized it was just like the feeling I got from Weeds, Dexter, Californication etc, it's this really obnoxious, kind of -I don't know what to call it- maybe pandering? This "we're so cool, aren't we cool?" kind of vibe. This thing where somehow a good idea for a show is brought to Showtime & then gets ruined completely by them. I kind of see Showtime as a cheap knock-off of HBO. I get the same feeling when someone tries to sell me knock-off Sharpies with a weird name that looks close to it.

I feel like the entire show was just trying way too hard, just like the other ones I mentioned. Instead of actually using the talent of people and writing for themselves, from their own creativity, it just feels like they spent too much time writing to get viewers & writing what they think viewers want them to. Using clichés & all the kinds of stupid attempts to be deep, cool, or funny but looking like tools instead. Showtime are posers. That's the best description. Similar to a kid trying to be punk rock but failing miserably & just looking like an idiot & shopping at Hot Topic, putting studs on things & thinking it makes them a punk.

I don't know how else to explain it, I just know Showtime had something to do with it. I feel like if HBO had picked the project up, this may have been worth watching. Mostly it's just irritating & trying way too hard & is dumbed down. Such a shame really.. what's worse is how many people who I like that fall for this crap. I felt insulted by this garbage. You should too, if you're even somewhat intelligent. What was with all the religious crap, too? That was even more annoying.

Go watch something way better. Seriously. Almost anything HBO makes is worth watching (excluding Sex in The City, True Blood and Entourage, which belong on Showtime), even Ballers, which I really should hate considering my hatred of football & sports, but is actually pretty good & the writing isn't stupid or obviously people trying too hard. The acting is also excellent. Personally was surprised to like it. Anyway if you're after comedy, then try the new HBO show "Vice Principles" or a classic like Mr Show or Dream On. Forget this.
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