fun deliberate B-movie
3 August 2016
Aliens have landed in the woods outside of Crescent Cove. Farmer Gene Green and his dog Pooh Bear investigate and find a circus tent structure. They are taken by scary clown-like aliens. Mike Tobacco and Debbie Stone are making out at the wooded teen hangout. They follow the streak in the sky and find the circus tent. They go inside to find strange weird things and people cocooned in cotton candy. They manage to escape from the alien clowns and their myriad of circus gadgets. They tell ex-boyfriend police deputy Dave Hanson but old timer Curtis Mooney dismisses them.

The title says "Killer Klowns from Outer Space". It delivers exactly what one expects. It's very stupid and has complete fun doing it. It doesn't give anything more or better. The actors are not the top tier. This isn't really scary unless one has a fear of clowns. One can have fun with all the ridiculous ideas.
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