Review of Heavy

Heavy (1995)
A touching glimpse into a pizza restaurant and its workers
23 August 2016
Heavy (1995)

The cast here is telling, and pretty remarkable. First there is Deborah Harry—yes that one, from the group Blondie. And even better (as an actress) is Shelley Winters, who is fabulous. And then in a bit part is Evan Dando, another actual musician (from the group the Lemonheads), and he gets to play his guitar and sing (very well).

This is an odd tapestry for a movie that has no real music in it (besides some good old-style country, which is really out of place for the lower Hudson Valley). The two leads are Liv Tyler, who is good and a little self-aware (as usual) and Pruitt Taylor Vince, show is terrific though his role asks him to say little and be restrained.

The title refers to Vince, who as Victor is an overweight pizza maker. The women around him like him but he doesn't seem to find a way "out" of their influences (from his mother to a long-time waitress who has an unspoken incident in the background). And that's the set-up.

Slice of life movies by definition don't need a plot. They operate better by showing little details and developing character and place. This movie does that really nicely. There are holes here and there, implausible and thin aspects, but overall you accept and like what happens.

So this quiet drama is perfect for those who like believable and touching situations. What is says about being overweight (since that's the title) is dubious, but in a way it doesn't matter. Watch it for other things. Winters deserved some awards for her role. Some great stuff in here.
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