Windwalker (1980)
Simply Put, A Triumph In Every Sense of the Word
1 September 2016
There are some films that I've seen where I can't fathom for the life of me of how overrated they've become on IMDb - many of them having hundreds of reviews and over inflated ratings - and then there are also films where I can't fathom how underrated or unknown they are, having very little in the way of reviews or fame. 1980's "Windwalker" is one of those films that sadly falls into the latter category. Starring English actor Trevor Howard, it's a movie that simply shouldn't be as good as it is, mainly because of the fact Trevor Howard, one of the quintessential English actors of his generation, stars as an aging American Indian (or Native American, whatever you prefer) Cheyenne warrior! Just hearing that fact alone would probably have you believe that the movie is one to be panned almost immediately. And yet my friends, nothing could be further from the truth.

The movie takes place in the rugged western wilderness of pre-European North America, during the brutally cold winters of that area, and focuses on a family of Cheyenne, and in particular, on aging and dying warrior patriarch Windwalker (Trevor Howard). As he lays dying of old age and decay, he accepts that his time has come, and begins to recount to his grandchildren his days as a young man (those scenes being played by James Remar), of how he came to "win" his wife and true love Tashira (Serene Hedin), the birth of his twin sons, and how in one instance, one of them was snatched and taken away and his lovely wife killed. Saddened by this memory but content that he has lived a good, full life, Windwalker dies and his laid to rest in the Cheyenne way. But little does the old warrior know, the great spirit in the sky is not quite ready to let Windwalker's spirit onto the wind just yet, for as his family is traveling back to lair, they are attacked by a band of their hated enemy, the Crow tribe. Using a combination of wisdom and powerful magic, Windwalker sets on to his final adventure to save his family and make it more stronger in ways he never could have imagined.

"Windwalker" is perhaps the most authentic movie ever done on Native Americans, one reason due to the fact that there's not a single cowboy in sight and another because - other than some narration in English at times - the dialogue is spoken entirely in actual Cheyenne and Crow languages and dialect. Trevor Howard, despite being English, is absolutely (and shockingly) believable in his role as the Cheyenne warrior chief embarking on his last adventure, becoming completely immersed in his character, and in many ways, actually becomes Windwalker. Adding to this is the performances of the other actors - some of whom are actually Native American - who all do a fine job, be it James Remar as the young Windwalker, Nick Ramus as Windwalker's son, the beautiful Serene Hedin as Tashina, even Billy Drago as one of the Crow scouts turn in believable performances.

Another strong aspect of the film is the sets; filmed in the wilds of Utah, there were many times I thought I was watching a portrait being painted simply because the outdoor locations were so mesmerizing and beautiful. Director Kieth Merrill expertly takes all of these elements and weaves together a brilliant film that shows beauty, the power the human spirit has when it comes to survival, and also shows that violence and war are in no way limited to just one group of people. Indeed, life among the native tribes was not as idyllic as some would have you believe. How in the world this film is not more widely known or did not even get one Oscar nomination is something I will never figure out for the life of me. To put it bluntly, folks, you are robbing yourselves by not seeing underrated gem, and that's a phrase I use very sparling my friends. If you should ever have the opportunity to see this, don't pass it up. I promise you are in for a real treat with this one. Also marks the first appearance of animal actor Bart the Bear.
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