Supergirl (1984)
Supergirl Review
9 September 2016
Supergirl(1984) Starring: Faye Dunaway, Helen Slater, Peter O'Toole, Hart Bochner, Mia Farrow, Brenda Vaccro, Marc McClure, Peter Cook, and Mia Frewer Directed By: Jeannot Szwarc Review From out of another galaxy and into your hearts comes... Supergirl I'm going to be reviewing one superhero movie a month and well for this month(even though I wanted this one to be later) I got Supergirl. After Superman IV: The Quest for peace the name Superman became a product for money and no genuinely cared about making a superhero movie anymore. However they decided to change it up a bit instead of it being Superman again they decide to use his cousin Kara/Supergirl. After losing a powerful orb, Kara, Superman's cousin, comes to Earth to retrieve it and instead finds herself up against a wicked witch. This movie fracking sucks. By the look of this movie, you can tell that no one gave a crap about the source material which is very sad because I hate every single female hero in the DC except the three known as Supergirl, Starfire, and Zatana. Supergirl being my favorite. The producers said lets throw in a love story, let's make the villain an evil female who's jealous and wants to be pretty, manipulative and have everyone be her slave. We can't have Supergirl save the planet, or do something noble it has to be a giant cat fight, that's what happens when old straight white men write stories about strong young women. They just want to be pretty, the music is very bland and almost like not their and doesn't engage me in the film. Which I find to be very odd because I put the disc in and I hear the John Williams Superman theme in the main menu so I'm thinking maybe this movie might be a little engaging but no it isn't. The effects are terrible as well because they just look so much better in other 80 films. I'm giving this film a one out of five.
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