The Night Of (2016)
After finishing the series I have to admit I was left a bit underwhelmed and here's why.
12 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First off, one of my biggest gripes about this show was Naz's transformation from a seemingly reserved mild-mannered kid to this hardened, tatted-up, drug-using bad ass. I get the logic that in order to survive in a rough prison it is important to adapt, however how rough did things ever really get for Naz? He got cut, got some hot water thrown on him and his bed lit on fire. Next thing you know he links up with the top-dog Freddy and now he's a hardcore SOB that no one wants to mess with. The tattoos really bothered me because if he was currently on trial and knew he was innocent, why get "Sin" & "Bad" and a Latin King Crown tatted on your neck when you're in the middle of trying to prove your own innocence? I feel like these decisions were more of a story device to show to the audience that Naz has changed rather than his change being driven by genuine experience. Also the prison environment itself didn't seem too realistic. Freddy and Naz were able to chill all day in their cells smoking heroin all willy-nilly while occasionally beating up guys or slitting a guys throat when the guards weren't looking. The fact that there was no investigation over the inmate getting his throat cut or the mention of any security footage of this crime just goes to show you how untouchable Freddy and Naz were in prison which creates poor drama because there is essentially no consequence for their actions on the inside. Why does Naz have to be incognito getting drugs into prison when he can be an accomplice to murder and not suffer any consequences?

Also, Naz's relationship with his lawyer Chandra was kind of unbelievable in my opinion. What happened between her and Naz that compelled her to willingly commit a felony by storing drugs up her snatch to give to NAZ in-front of a Police officer? And then to kiss him on top of that… All in the midst of a situation where they are constantly showing how everyone's moves are being monitored by cameras…

The courtroom drama was underwhelming with a resolution that seemed a little bit too easy and too open to be completely satisfying.

Lastly, as a filmmaker I realize how important it is to balance a dark story with moments of humor so that the story doesn't become overly depressing, however Jack's eczema-ridden feet shouldn't have been the main focal point for humor in this story. It was severely overdone and redundant that in every scene with Jack, his feet had to be shown or mentioned. After a certain point it was just gross.

Overall, the show was shot well and the acting was decent although I wish I could have gotten more variation from Naz's character who's performance had a monotone quality to it.
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