The Mutilator (1984)
Fall Break (a.k.a. The Mutilator) is an above average slasher film that is slightly overrated by fans.
24 October 2016
Personally I actually agree with the director, Buddy Cooper, and prefer the original title of the film better. I think Fall Break is a little bit more original and fits the film better than The Mutilator. And on top of that, it's the title that the director originally intended on using for the film. But I gotta say, The Mutilator is still a cool sounding title nonetheless. Overall, I enjoyed the film and I think it does deserve all the positive attention it has received over the years, although I wouldn't put it up there with the best slasher films ever as some fans have stated. It just isn't on that same level as some of the best and more popular slashers. I do think it is an above average slasher film for sure, and I also realize that they were dealing with a microscopic sized budget, but the main issue I found was the most detrimental was that it didn't have enough plot or character development for you to be emotionally invested in anything that happened to anyone. And in turn, it had the undesired effect of making those incredibly inventive kills less impactful. The totally unoriginal setup with bland characters was nothing special either, even in 1984. I actually think casting different actors might have helped a little bit. Plus, I thought the blood, gore, and other special effects were pretty realistic and implemented well, but I felt like it has been slightly overrated. Don't get me wrong, the effects were well-done and looked very good, especially for the shoestring budget they had to work with. Just overrated. And one more thing bothered me that I have to mention. That's the severe lack of nudity. I find it disgraceful for a slasher film of this caliber to have that little nudity. I always like my slasher films to have a nice amount of nudity anyway and unfortunately, Fall Break does not deliver in that aspect. Now I have seen good slasher films without nudity. It's possible to make up for it in other ways, but it sure never hurts and a film like Fall Break should absolutely feature copious amounts of nudity. I mean why the hell not!? The soundtrack and the filming location was pretty unique and I enjoyed seeing that particular area of the North Carolina coast. I'd love to go visit that location and even stay in the same hotel featured in the film that the director and his family own. Now that would be hella-cool! Now I want to mention that Arrow's BD/DVD edition of the film was an exceptional release. In my opinion, it is the definitive edition to own. It has really nice artwork, a new 2K restoration of the rare completely uncut film from original vault materials, and more special features than you even know what to do with! It's a shame that they didn't include a slipcover or a booklet, but that's okay. I can forgive them. And I just wanted to add one more thing in case anyone might be interested, about 3 months ago Shock Entertainment (Germany) released a BD/DVD mediabook set that features 3 different nice looking cover choices and has quite a few special features too. So, now Arrow isn't the only distributor around with a Blu-ray edition anymore. It might be worth doing a detailed comparison if you are interested in buying a copy.
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