The Double (2013)
Not So Bad
6 November 2016
'The Double' begins with an unanswered question, and the story unwinds so at the end you have the answer to the question. The story was linear. It follows Simon James, a quiet, awkward man who one day finds that he has a doppelganger, James Simon.Once he befriends his lookalike, things go downhill in all aspects of his life. Throughout "The Double", it is always nighttime. No scenes are shot during the day. I noticed there were not many sources of light in a lot of the scenes. Singular sources of lights were used often. The room would often be dark and be lit by dim lights. The colors were often warm and dark, there weren't any bright colors used. The lighting used also gave off an eerie feeling. Most of the scenes weren't full of people, and the lighting helped communicate that. The camera work was very straight forward sometimes, while other times it was very interesting. It ranged from very wide shots, to close ups, to interesting angles.

This isn't a movie I would usually watch, but it was so different it drew me in. The awkward humor was funny and disturbing. Eisenberg, who portrays both of the main characters, did a terrific job. If this movie had anyone playing Simon and James, it wouldn't be half as great. After being skeptical while watching, by the end I decided it wasn't bad a film.
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